GNE Bookstore and Library

Good News Bookstore

Good News Bookstore is a Reformed Christian Bookstore in Kuala Lumpur located on the same premises as Damansara Reformed Baptist Church (DRBC). We provide easy and affordable access to sound Christian books, reformed magazines and bible reading notes.

Most of our books are in English, with a small selection of books in other languages e.g. Mandarin, Tamil, Indonesian and more. A selection of books are also available for order on Shopee.

The bookshop is most easily accessible after church meetings on Sunday and Wednesday. We are also happy to assist visitors at other times in the week, simply contact us to arrange a time.

DRBC Library

In addition to our bookstore, we have a large selection of books available in our library that can be borrowed. We only ask that borrowers don't fall into the bad habit of borrowing permanently!

Our library carries a range of Reformed Books, both new and old. Our books have been collected over the years and cover a range of subjects, including Theology, Church History, Mission, Church, Biographies, Christian Living, Children, Puritan Paperbacks, Magazines and more.

We also have a selection of recommended books available for lending which we also cover as part of our Discipleship Training Programme (DTP).

As with the bookshop, the library is most easily accessible after church meetings on Sunday and Wednesday. We are also happy to assist visitors at other times in the week, simply contact us to arrange a time.

Featured Books

For friends overseas, books written by Pastor Poh may be purchased on Amazon.

For those residing in Malaysia, apart from coming in person to Good News Bookstore to purchase books, some of the books may be found on Shopee.

Feel free to reach us if you have any enquiries.

Ultimate Questions

Life is full of questions - some are trivial, others are serious, and some are tremendously important. The most important questions in life are about God and our relationship with him. John Blanchard sets a series of ultimate questions with answers, including Is Anyone There? Is God Speaking? What is God Like? What Went Wrong? Is Sin Serious? Can Religion Help? How Can I Be Saved? Which Way Now? And many more. This 32 page booklet is a helpful evangelism resource that is also good for new believers to understand who God is and why Jesus came.

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What is a Confessional Church?

A confessional church holds to one of the historic confessions of faith that arose, either directly or indirectly, from the Reformation of the 16th century. Among the growing number of individuals and churches that claim to hold to one, or more, of the historic confessions of faith are those who waver in their commitment to those documents. This book is intended primarily to help those who are attracted to the 1689 Baptist Confession of Faith, or who already claim adherence to it. Brethren in other denominations will find some of the material relevant and helpful.

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The Christian in Chinese Culture

Many are the Christians who have been converted from a background of the Chinese Religion. Being first-generation Christians, they face many problems from their unconverted families. Help from Christian quarters concerning how to live the Christian life within the Chinese culture is hard to come by. It is hoped that this book will be of help to them. The Christian who is from a different religious background in which idol worship is practised may find this book helpful, too.

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Beware of the Ecumenical Agenda!

The present book is a response to a recently published book, entitled 'More Calvinistic than Calvin? Hardline Reformed Theology and the Malaysian Church'. This present book may be understood without prior reading of the latter book. Apart from countering the misrepresentation of the Reformed Faith in the said book, the warning is sounded forth against the ecumenical agenda of the Neo-evangelicals. The ecumenical movement has not abated but has gained momentum instead. It is promoted by the Neo-evangelicals whose influence has become all pervasive.

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